The Visual Arts Program at Gardenvale Primary School offers the students a wide range of skills, techniques and processes. The artwork below, showcases the students' diversity, creativity and innovation.
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep" - Scott Adams
Click on the image "Collections" below to view more examples of the students' artwork and achievement. The most recent additions can be found by scrolling down the page. Teachers: Tania Speigel & Clem Gundstone
Ambulance Alert
Paper Plate Elephants
Stencil Stitched Bears
Hand Puppets
Can't Bear It
Wind Chimes
All About Me!
Toy Story!
Elephant Walk
I Saw A Dino
Tree Magic
Mother's Day
Block Butterflies
My Dream Home!
Elephant Walk!
There Is a bear In There!
Then and Now!